Impl. live streaming system: Rough design
In previous post, I select RTMP
and HLS with CMAF
as a protocol between service and end-users(streamers and viewers).
flowchart LR
subgraph Service Provider
p -->|RTMP| i
i --> t
t --> e
e -->|HLS\CMAF| s
Each layers(Ingest, Transcoder, Edge) have different requirements.
Whole system require Low-Latency, High-Available and Low-Cost.
So, detail system will be like this.
flowchart LR
subgraph .
subgraph Ingest Pool
tq(Transcoder queue)
subgraph Transcoder Pool
subgraph Edge
e(Edge server)
p -->|RTMP| i
i --> tq
tq --> t
t --> e
e --> cdn
cdn -->|HLS\CMAF| s
More detail about Systems
- Primary objective is keep hold stream connection and passing into system immidiatly.
- Only one stream per on stream-key between multiple instances
- Due to CAP theory, I think Ingest pool require CP system(Consistency, Partition-tolerance)
- Ingest inbound has low frequecy, keep connection until stream stop.
- In AP system, if exist duplicated stream-key while syncing, which one is correct?
- Stream will be passing transcoder queue
- Require computing power.
- This layer is due to Adaptive Streaming(such as DASH, HLS).
- For scale-out, stream will be queuing into Transcoder buffer, and processing in parallel.
- Transcode need to make varients resolution. for example, HLS examples listing 7 resolution.
Nine H.264 video variants Gear 9 - 1920x1080 @ 7.8 Mbps Gear 8 - 1920x1080 @ 6.0 Mbps Gear 7 - 1920x1080 @ 4.5 Mbps Gear 6 - 1280x720 @ 3.0 Mbps Gear 5 - 960x540 @ 2.0 Mbps Gear 4 - 768x432 @ 1.1 Mbps Gear 3 - 640x360 @ 730 kbps Gear 2 - 480x270 @ 365 kbps Gear 1 - 416x234 @ 145 kbps Apple>Developer>HTTP Live Streaming>Examples
- Most common, easist way is just using ffmpeg with input RTMP stream and output HLS.
- For research, I will using ffmpeg library with raw data(AVC NALU; Network Abstraction Layer Unit) and generate CMAF and manifest by own implement.
Edge server
- Generate playlist
- Primary topic is CDN caching related and low cost operation.
Choose development stack
- DRY(Don’t Repeat Yourself), KISS(Keep It Simple, Stupid), YAGNI(You Ain’t Gonna Need It) is main objective.
There is so many programming language is exist, my selection criteria is simple. well-kown, modern, and safety.
my country’s common job requirements, Golang
is most common in streaming related industry, Kotlin
with SpringBoot
is hot on mobile app’s backend stack.
But, i select Rust
and Golang
due to followin reason.
For binary protocol related(Ingest, Transcoder), low-latency and reusability are most valuable.
- Programming language that provide compile-time safety and easily integrate by other language.
- Directly
will provide best performance, but it was very deep knowledge base require for code-level optimization with readability Golang
is easy syntax, learning curve and support compile into shared library. But, as I know, Some performance critical issues like GC optimization is not well known within some developers. (Require advanced knowledge means know-how is important. but as i know golang’s well known advantage is steep learning curve, it means deeper is hard)Kotlin
provide native build. but, I think compile-time evaluation or metaprogramming like macro is well using for archive performance in parsing related. Officially kotlin don’t provide metaprogramming. exist similar way but I think it is not simple.Rust
has performance likeC/C++
and language level safety. Can be compile as shared library and WebAssembly.
For Edge server, easy maintanance and throughput are most valuable.
- Design as Microservice
is simple and quite fast in these days. but, I want to select compiled language that provide smaller image size.Golang
is support compile. Provide simple code, small deployments and well grown eco system(well trained developers)
For transcoder, require video processor, codec related. Cover everything is very hard work.
- So, In this part i will use exist library.
- Output HLS segments
- Transcoded stream will be saving series of segment files
- Segment name is predictable and passing playlist generator latest saved and on progress.
- Transcoded stream will be saving series of segment files
- So, In this part i will use exist library.
For Low-Latency HLS
- I think media preload is not available due to CDN.
- Support playlist delta updates
I will implement below step by step
- Rust Library
- Rust Library
- Router
- Rust
- Transcoder
- Rust
- Rust Library
- Stream Segmenter
- Rust
- Transcoder’s Output
- HLS Playlist Generator and Microservice
- Golang